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Crazy is What Crazy Does! Former TSA Worker Resigns from Job and Then Makes Terrorist Threats


Words by Alyson Robinson

A website linked to arrested ex-Transportation Security Administration worker, Nna Alpha Onuoha, 29, is being investigated by authorities. The website that contained letters that explicitly declared the United States’ future to be “reduced to nothing” by events “greater than 9/11.”

All pieces of information on the website about Onuoha matched up with public records. Onuoha was charged Wednesday with one count each of making a false threat and making threats affecting interstate commerce. The arrest happened one day after the accused quit his job at the Los Angeles International Airport.

“Do not expect another 9/11,” the website said. “What will unfold on this day and on the days ahead will be greater than 9/11.”

Onuoha also posted letters hailing Jesus and Israel, and simultaneously condemning al-Qaida and spoke of Satan corrupting the masses. Onuoha also posted pictures of himself posing with crosses.

One of the letters, dated August 25th, was unequivocally addressed to father of a 15-year-old girl who apparently offended Onuoha with her attire. “You’re only 15, cover yourself,” was what Onuoha reportedly said during screening  at LAX. TSA suspended him after the incident in June.

The girl’s father stood up for his daughter on his personal blog, after Onuoha’s verbal assault, saying she was humiliated and shamed.  The father also posted a picture of the outfit seen here.


Onuoha wasn’t apologetic in the letter on the site. “If you need an example on how to properly dress your fifteen year old daughter before you send her out on a world tour in this world ruled by satan, you should look up to Muslim women,” the letter said.

FBI spokeswoman Laura Eimiller said Onuoha, who is originally from Nigeria, worked for TSA since 2006, just came in Tuesday and resigned. He later returned and left a package at TSA’s airport headquarters that was addressed to a manager. No explosives were found, only a eight-page letter expressing disdain for the U.S.

He is suspected to have called the airport later that day with anonymous tips to evacuate terminals. The threats prompted a brief shutdown of parts of LAX .

“In a search of Onuoha’s apartment, police found a handwritten note entitled “9/11/2013 THERE WILL BE FIRE! FEAR! FEAR! FEAR!” and containing unspecified threats that cited the anniversary of the terror attacks, authorities said. An FBI affidavit says Onuoha told investigators he didn’t mean the calls to the airport to be threats and he had no violent intentions. He said he wanted to start preaching in the streets beginning Wednesday, the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.”- ABC News

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