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Top Hip Hop Instagrams Of The Week with Jennifer Hudson, Trey Songz, Mariah, RiRi, Jermaine Dupri, Dennis Byron, Mona Scott-Young

Thank u to these AMAZING gifted ladies for showering me with there God giving gifts on my bday! Ke Ke, Chrisette n Jessica! I love yal!!! – Jennifer Hudson

This week hip hop celebs were busy as usual. From Jennifer Hudson celebrating her 32nd birthday, Mariah Carey and Jermaine Dupri supporting Nas for the celebration of his 40th birthday and Janelle Monae performing on the Today Show. Check out the hottest hip hop Instagrams of the week below!

Shining-Trey Songz

#LastKings #YMCMB
With JD and Nas at his anniversary dinner!-Mariah Carey
#electriclady #todayshow

She x King -Rihanna
Me and the kid 50 cent -2 Chains
And meet the beautiful Brazilian Designer @alessandra_meskita she is so sweet & had an awesome show during Fashion Week!! Thanku so much for my Amazing gifts! Looking forward to some cool things for Japan! And Since we’re both the coolest sign ever LIBRA’semoji we have to celebrate together emojiemojiemoji #oct10th&oct13th
Dennis Byron and Mona Scott-Young

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