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Budweiser Premiers New Rihanna Documentary: “Half Of Me”


Words by Alyson Robinson

Budweiser has officially released the much talked about documentary film centered around Rihanna, “Half of Me.” The film which clocks in at a little over 11 minutes, premiered  this week and can be seen on and also on the Budweiser Youtube channel.

The film featured Rihanna and focused on a few of her dedicated fans, who she dubs as her #Navy, as the focal point and how she inspires them to go and pursue their dreams.

“Half of Me” — the 11-minute, Phil Griffin-directed short — follows the Bajan bombshell not only as she tours the U.K. and the U.S., but as she touches and inspires those who consider themselves her extended family. The flick is part of Budweiser’s global Made For Music initiative

The singer is now on tour in Hong Kong and takes her Diamonds World Tour to Singapore next.

Watch the full documentary above.

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