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Draya Michele Has Been Selected to Be The Face of Rocawear Women’s Clothing Re-launch

Draya Michele on Rocawear shoot
Draya Michele on Rocawear shoot

Draya Michele, the former star of Basketball Wives LA was recently selected to be the face of Rocawear Clothing woman’s fall line and in the video above she talks about how the brand that launched back in 1999 helped inspire her to do what she does today in fashion with her own ‘Fine Ass Girls’ clothing line.

“I can follow behind the pros that have been doing this for many years”

We don’t know if the star merged her own fashion line with Rocawear but it makes perfect sense if the company is already collaborating with her for their newest line.

Dennis Byron, a former New York City Fashion Photographer was hired in the summer of 99′ to photograph Rocawear’s  Men’s and Women Clothing line campaign that was created by Roc-A-Fella Records co-founders Damon Dash and Jay-Z, and has had annual sales of $700 million.

Shanny Herrera, who was then VP of Marketing  for the Comet Group, a fashion house and licensing company approached the rap mega-star with the idea to launch Rocawear clothing. After several years of running Rocawear clothing, Herrera left the company to be an independent consultant for other popular lines.

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