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New Music Alert: Ja Rule “Fresh Out The Pen” Returns to the Rap Game with A Vengeance

ja rule

Words by Alyson Robinson

Ja Rule is back baby! The rapper has been out of prison since May after serving most of a two-year stint in New York state prison for gun possession then finishing subsequently in federal custody for tax evasion charges.

The rapper who was released almost two months earlier than anticipated, has released a new rap single, “Fresh Out The Pen,” which marks the rapper’s first track since 2011.

The 36-year-old rapper, whose real name is Jeffrey Atkins, promoted the track on his Twitter account earlier today and retweeted other tweets about the song as well.

The new track features Ja Rule’s signature raspy voice and of course, the kind of lyrics expected from an emcee of his caliber.

Check out the new song above. Let us know what you think about Ja Rule’s new music.

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