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New Must See Film: “A New Paradigm For Black America – Brooklyn”


Words by Alyson Robinson

Today promises to be a great day for Black America. These are the sentiments of organizers of the event, A New Paradigm ForBlack America- Brooklyn, at the Medgar Evers College,Brooklyn, N.Y., which will be held today.

Some of the sharpest minds in Black America will “converge to present concrete, directly implementable ideas for positive change in our families and communities.” This community of people will gather for their second stop in Brooklyn to decipher plans to strengthen wealth, education, family, and community in Black America.

“Black leadership doesn’t start with the people you see on TV or politicians on Capital Hill.  Black leadership actually starts in your living room,” said Dr. Wilmer Leon, political science expert.

The group has made efforts to use socially-conscious business models to share knowledge to attempt to create a better future for the children.

Those who won’t be able to make it to the event in Brooklyn will be able to experience it all at a low price. The sales will be used to finance other stops on the nationwide tour. The DVD, which follows the event, will feature exclusive interviews with the panelists and behind the scenes footage of the event and can be pre-ordered now. The line-up of scholars and media professionals include Dr. Cornel West, Dr. Marc Lamont Hill, Dr. Imani Perry, Dr. Christopher Emdin, S. Tia Brown, and Tiara Williams in a panel discussion. The discussion will be moderated by Dr. Wilmer Leon.

Upon its November 1, 2013 release date, the film will cost $24.99. Pre-order your copy now for $12.99! To pre-order, visit

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