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New Web Series: “The 30 Day Rule” Premiers 1st Episode by Film Maker Rahiem Shabazz

30Cast of “The 30-Day Rule”

Words by Alyson Robinson

Atlanta’s new web series, “The 30 Day Rule,” which premiered on September 6th, is a fun, but sexy romantic comedy with serious plot twisting message that nothing in life comes without a cost.

The cast of ‘The 30 Day Rule‘ include Nina Nicole, Rico Ball, Kash Howard, Mony KarloTonia Morris andChad Hawkins.

Rome (Rico Ball), a good-looking smooth-talking brother in his mid-twenties feels he is on top of the world. He believes he can talk any woman he meets into doing what he wants them to do. He lies, schemes and cheats all in the name of scoring and feels no guilt about his actions. Best friend Trent advises Rome that there is a expiration date on the lies he tells woman and that no good will come of his evil ways and eventually he will meet his match. Enter Marlena (Nina Nicole), the beautiful vixen Rome is captivated by simply because of her beauty. Unbeknownst to RomeMarlena is the female version of himself, however her feline ways give her the unfair advantage as he under estimates her agenda because of her beauty.” – YouTube

We can’t wait to see episode two.

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