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Bun B Makes Rare Connection With Houston Symphony Against Hate

We didn’t know he was a Rhodes scholar?
bun b
Words by Alyson Robinson

Hip hop legend Bun B is making a strange, but positive connection with the Houston Symphony for a rare collaboration at Jones Hall for the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) Houston in Concert Against Hate.

The new partners will take center stage on Nov. 14th  for a one-night event which will honor Houston civil rights leaders and prominent education reformers.

After the proud announcement, Bun B raved to CultureMap about his upcoming symphonic, hip hop-esque debut.

“It’s about carrying the message of the ADL,” the rapper said. He also added that he’s written original lyrics for the performance to highlight the ADL’s century-long battle against intolerance. “I look at it as an opportunity for hip hop culture to join in that fight.”

Bun B is excited about the prospects of showing hip hop in a different light, versus the reputation of promoting violence.

Source: CultureMap

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