HTC Sued For Using Nina Simone Song In Commercial


    ninaWords by Alyson Robinson

    Nina Simone’s Estate is suing the phone company, HTC, for using the instrumental’s of “Sinnerman,” one of Simone’s greatest hits.

    The late Simone, one of the greatest Jazz singers and pianists, released that hit in 1965 and carries an unmistakeable beat.

    Her estate is suing on the grounds that, HTC, of course, didn’t obtain the rights to use the song in their commercial.

    “Sinnerman,” was previously sampled by Kanye West for Talib Kweli’s hit “Get By.” West obtained the proper clearance.

    Also recently,  Zoe Saldana completed a film as Simone and received some mixed thoughts on the actress being picked for the role.

    Below is the HTC commercial in question. Compare it to the Nina Simone hit above and leave your opinions below.

    Source: TMZ

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