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Breaking News: A3C Music Festival Will Honor All Rock The Bells Ticket Holders Due to Their Cancellation


In an official statement just released by the organizers of the A3C Music Festival, they have done something very honorable and shows the world hip hop really cares about its people and the culture. All those who have purchased tickets for the Washington, DC and New York City Rock The Bells concert will be entitled to attend all A3C events taking place this week in Atlanta. Read the official statement below:

To Rock the Bells ticket holders and hip-hop heads world round:

At its core, A3C is a festival that celebrates the culture and art of hip-hop. We are hip-hop fans, first and foremost, and were all very saddened to see the cancellation of Rock The Bells’ East Coast tour dates in New York City and Washington, DC.  Rock The Bells has been an inspiration to A3C over the years and has a major impact on hip-hop culture.

In wake of this sad news, A3C will be honoring all DC & NYC Rock the Bells tickets to this year’s five-day hip-hop festival in Atlanta.  A3C understands the lack of big venue concerts that revere real hip-hop and knows that many fans are disappointed with the news of the Rock the Bells’ cancellation.

We also know how much work goes into planning a hip-hop festival and are saddened for both the fans and workers behind Rock the Bells’ success.  We’re sure Chang Weisberg and Guerilla Union will be back next year and that the Rock The Bells concert series will continue to produce the biggest and best hip-hop shows on the planet.

How To Redeem Your RTB Pass for a Free A3C Passes:

1) Scan, or screen shot, an image with proof of purchase, including your legal name

2) Send image to before A3C begins | Offer ends Oct 2nd Midnight

3) Sit back and you will receive and email confirmation with 12 hours


A3C Hip-Hop Festival

Now that is very generous and how hip hop is suppose to be!

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