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The Bar Exam Pre-A3C Media Mixer At HOBI Studios in Atlanta

Screen Shot 2013-10-02 at 12.38.53 PMWords by Mehka

The A3C music festival officially kicks off today, but the Bar Exam treated fans and media to something special a little early.

Last night, The Bar Exam showcase and their partners hosted a media mixer for local and out of town media. The event was held at HOBI studios in downtown Atlanta.

Event goers sipped on drinks from the bar as Dj Knotts played hits throughout the night.

The night was capped off by a Q&A session hosted by founder of and editor Mehka. Mehka spoke with the founder of the Bar Exam, Mic x Sic and one of the founders of the HOBI studios Tamarah Jones about their work with Bar Exam showcase and some the events that will be going down at HOBI during A3C weekend.

The Bar Exam Showcase kicks off October 5th at Space 2. Doors open at 6pm.

To RSVP for all events happening at HOBI click here


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