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Fashion Alert: Lupe Fiasco Fronts Lastest Lookbook From U.S. Alteration


Lupe Fiasco has been the face for U.S. Alteration for a few of their previous collections.  So it was no surprise the rapper was able to set some time aside from working on his upcoming project “Tetsuo & Youth” to help them represent once again. For the new collection, Lupe models the latest sweaters, t-shirts, beanies and trousers from the brand. In this close-knit collection reflective metallic detailing on the shirts seems to be a theme, which is found on several pieces. If your ready to cop a few dope pieces that you see below, visit U.S. Alteration’s online store here.

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Fashion Alert: Lupe Fiasco Fronts Lastest Lookbook From U.S. Alteration

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