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New Video Alert: Durty Kash “My Money Don’t Fold No More”

Houston’s Durty Kash has a “bank roll” announcement to make

Twenty year old Durty Kash grew up with street dreams along with the taste for a better way of life. Thanks to the support of family and friends, the young emcee didn’t travel down the road that many of his peers chose. Since the beginning of his indie plight to becoming a star, Durty Kash has had the opportunity to come up along great talent in his area like Kirko Bangz and Riff Raff. Today, Hip Hop Enquirer Magazine presents to you a new visual for Durty Kash’s ‘My Money Don’t Fold No More‘, from his debut album ‘Let’s Live Lavish’ – dropping later this year. Watch the video, and feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section.

Follow Durty Kash on Twitter @DurtyKash to stay updated with the Texas rapper’s moves.

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