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Pistol Packing Preacher Foils Robbery Attempt at Dollar General Store

Reverend Sander

Divine intervention must have called on an Indiana preacher to put the good book down for a few moments and put a practical defense in play as he is now being heralded as a hero for foiling a robbery.

A pastor in Indiana is being considered a hero after pulling out a gun and stopping a store robbery.  Pastor Carl Sanders has a permit to carry a firearm, and he put that permit to use to save both souls and lives.  The robbery occurred at a Dollar General Store in Evansville, Indiana.

According to police, Dewayne Marshall came into the store, prepared to rob the owners blind.  He had a bandana over his face and an object in his hand that was wrapped in plastic.  He then demanded money from the owners.

Strangely, the owners refused to give the robber anything, which only heightened the tension of the situation and put the patrons of the store in danger.

“Marshall tells the individual again to open the register and points this object he’s trying to pass off as a firearm at the employee,” said Capt. Andy Chandler of the Evansville Police Department.

The man hit the clerk in the face several times when he refused to give up the money.  That’s when the pastor came into the store and saw what was going on.

Sanders stated that the man was giving him orders to get on the ground.  That’s when he reached in his pocket, and not to grab a bible.

“He was telling me to get on the ground,” Sanders told WFIE. “That’s when I pulled my weapon and say, ‘No, you get on the ground.’”

“I laid my life down for some people, knowing they were going to be OK,” Sanders said.

The pastor also says that the man “didn’t deserve to be hurt, I wasn’t going to hurt him, but I wanted him to know you can’t do this.”

The pastor then called police, who arrived on the scene.  No one was hurt.

Source: Your Black World

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