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Video Alert: EOS and Roc Nation Presents Bridget Kelly Live in Atlanta

Bridget Kelly
Last Thursday we had the pleasure of getting an exclusive look on a stop of a five city college tour. The tour is featuring Grammy award winning artist Melanie Fiona, Roc Nation artist Bridget Kelly and Elijah Blake. With Atlanta being the first stop on the tour, Bridget Kelly and her crew will also visit Washington D.C.,  Michigan, and New York City.

Bridget was able to move the crowd and keep her fans entertained throughout the night. The New York native paid homage to her hometown by starting the show off with her version of “Empire State of Mind”.  She also performed her single off of her album Something Different titled “Street Dreamin” featuring Kendrick Lamar. Check out some exclusive footage from the tour and get up close and personal with Bridget Kelly.

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