The History Of “Beat Bop” One Of Basquiat’s Forays Into Hip-Hop
Jasmine Clay
We had several hip-hop milestones last week. Saturday was the 20 year anniversary of the legendary Midnight Marauders by A Tribe Called Quest and the Wu-Tang Clan’s Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers). As well as yesterday marking the 10 year anniversary of Jay Z’s The Black Album and G- Unit’s “Beg For Mercy”. 2013 is just the year for hip-hop because it also marks the 30 year anniversary of the valuable 12″ for K-Rob, Rammelizee and Jean-Michel Basquiat’s “Beat Bop’. This song is a collaboration between the three artists turned musicians. The track features Rammelizee and K-Robe over Basquiat’s experimental production. You got to love when art and hip-hop collide. Enjoy the full track above.