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Rapper Trinidad James Disses NY Rappers, NY Rapper Maino Responds with A Veiled Threat!

maino trinidad

Trinidad James ruffles feathers with ATL rap supremacy comments

It’s no secret that Atlanta rappers have taken over the hip-hop scene lately. It’s also no surprise that the city had attracted hip-hop hopefuls from all over the world, churning out stars faster than we can listen. Nicki Minaj, Drake, and Justin Beiber all had to come through the “A” before they launched their careers, so was Trinidad James wrong for his comment about ATL rappers?

New York has been taking it hard in 2013. With the abundance of new rappers outnumbering emerging NY talent, Kendrick Lamar and others claiming to be the “King of NY,” and very few headliners standing up for the city, does  NYC even have a leg to stand on?

But wait a minute: NYC’s hip hop rap goon Maino wasn’t having none of that disrespect on his watch as he came out and basically punk’d Trinidad James.

“Hey buddy @trinidadjamesGG I’ll be ur Huckleberry! Lol imma brush those teeth when I see u baby boy. U a street nigga rite? Lmao”

Maino also explained why there was a stark contrast in what Kendrick Lamar said in his “Control” verse  referring to himself as King of New York and what James said when speaking in public. “Kendrick RAPPED his position on HIMSELF lyrically,” stated Maino. “That’s rap. James held a lecture on the state of affairs in NY?? Who the fuck are you?!

We can’t forget the time when Maino slapped rapper Yung Berg in 2008 for as Maino phrased it, “being disrespectful to him.”

According to news reports, Yung Berg allegedly walked up to Maino while they were both in Atlanta and said ” I heard you were talking reckless about me.” With those statements, Maino slapped the rapper. Those two have since made up after an apology was issued to Maino from Berg’s record label.

Do you believe Trinidad James was being disrespectful to New York rappers or does he have a valid point of view?

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