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Hell Nah! NBA Star Lamar Odom Appears “Cracked Out” In Rap Video “I Cheated on Khloe Kardashian”


It seems like things can’t get any worse for NBA forward Lamar Odom, at least thats how it looks in this video. The video was taken before Odom went into rehab back in September. The clip shows Odom incoherently rapping without his shirt on.

It is safe to say Lamar may want to stick to hooping because his lyrical skills suck. There are also rumors that suggest a former “close” friend leaked this video to TMZ which makes one wonder with friends like that,who needs enemies?

In the video, Lamar raps with a friend about making money without the NBA, drugs, and even cheating on Khloe Kardashian. Check out the full video of Lamar Obom above.

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