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New Yeezy Coming Soon! Q-Tip Confirms He’ll Be A Producer On Kanye West’s New Album


Recently legendary producer and rapper Q-Tip sat down with Life+Times for an exclusive interview. Life+Times had time to catch up with the super producer thanks to A Tribe Called Quest performances on the Yeezus Tour for Kanye’s New York shows. In the interview, Q-Tip reveals that he has been summoned to produce for Kanye West’s new album. Kanye has recently expressed his interests to release a follow up to Yeezus sooner rather than later. So we all should be on the look out for a new project in the works. Tip also says that Def Jam creator Rick Rubin will join in on the recording process. “I’m producing Kanye’s new album with Rick Rubin.” he states. Check out the full clip above as Tip talks to Elliott Wilson about A Tribe Called Quest legacy and his upcoming solo album, The Last Zulu.

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