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Picture Perfect Relationship? Kanye Is Having Kim Painted By Andy Warhol’s Cousin

Andy Warhol has grown into a true art icon. His work made him the leading figure in the visual arts world known as pop art. We all wish Andy was still here today for us to enjoy his innovating pieces. But it looks like Kanye has found the next best thing. Not really. Kanye is having Andy’s cousin Monica Warhol create a portrait of his fiancee Kim Kardashian. According to NYMag, Monica is the sole proprietor of the new Warhol format and has recently done portraits for rapper Flo-Rida and more. Monica told the Post that Warhol would of been a fan of Kim. “She’s an icon. She’s famous for nothing.” she states. Too bad Warhol isn’t here to back any of this up.

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