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Lady Gaga Sports A Thong with R. Kelly While Filming “Do What U Want” Don’t Believe? #AskRKelly


Thanks to Terry Richardson we were able to get a behind-the-scenes look from the music video shoot for Lady Gaga’s “Do What U Want” featuring R. Kelly. This teaser shot is like no other. Gaga is shown wearing a thong with her legs straddling R&B king R. Kelly. Yes, you read that right. The photo was posted on to Richardson’s website The rebellious single “Do What U Want” is a track off of Lady Gaga’s latest project ARTPOP.  We all got a taste when we saw the enticing performance that Gaga and R. Kelly put on for Saturday Night Live. Now the photo with Gaga and Kells has fans impatiently waiting to see a completed project.

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