Atlanta Welcomes Global Winter Wonderland With Food, Festivities, and A Performance by Keri Hilson

    Towanda Braxton

    On Thursday November 21st, Atlanta had its debut for its Global Winter Wonderland which is a multicultural theme park at Turner Field. The theme park was an experience for guest to “tour the world in one night”. Guests were able to enjoy giant lanterns inspired by different countries, thrill rides and theme park food.  Some of the food provided included pizza, water bagels, and flavored pop-corn. To top off the celebration, Singer Keri Hilson made her first appearance back to music with performing hits like “Pretty Girl Rock” and “The Way I Are”.  Celebrities in attendance included Towanda Braxton, Mimi Faust, Erica Dixon, Momma Dee and 2Chainz. So if you want to be transported and travel the world just visit Global Winter Wonderland. The park will be open daily from 5pm – 11pm until January 5th. Want more details? just click here. Also be sure to check out the clip of Keri’s Winter Wonderland performance above.

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