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New Artist Alert: Inspirational Hip Hop by L.O.E. “Enlisted”

Tate Music Group recording artist L.O.E. releases his debut album “Enlisted”. Not only does L.O.E. call himself a christian rap artist but he is also a lyricist for the Lord. Hailing from Atlanta, Ga L.O.E. is now ready to show the world what christian rap has to offer in 2013 and beyond. For the new album “Enlisted” you can expect L.O.E to show us the excitement of hip-hop as well as the inspiration of christian music.  Today L.O.E performs at various venues throughout Atlanta. Be sure to  check out “Enlisted” and its entirety here. 

Track List

  1. Call Of Duty
  2. Front Line
  3. True Sire
  4. Freedom
  5. Alpha Omega
  6. Through The Valley
  7. Hallelujah
  8. Feel It
  9. Present Help
  10. Joel Osteen
  11. Keep Going

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