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Soulja Boy…You Are That Baby’s Daddy So Says A Paternity Suit Filed

Soulja Boy and Diamond Shantaniece Mackey
Soulja Boy and Diamond Shantaniece Mackey

Lately, Soulja Boy has managed to stay out of drama in the media since his breakup with Diamond a member of Atlanta’s rap group Crime Mob. Good times do not last forever! Ironically Diamond Shantaniece Mackey (same name different woman) is claiming Soulja Boy is the father of her 5-year-old son Portlon.

Diamond Shantaniece Mackey and son Portlon

Not only is she making noise but she has pictures and witnesses to prove he is the father and has a relationship with the child. Mackey claims in 2007 she took a pregnancy test with the result: pregnant. When she informed Soulja Boy he denied being the father and changed his number. Mackey is filing for a DNA test and child support could come afterwards.

Apparently, Diamonds are not Soulja Boy’s best friend.

Photo credit: TMZ

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