Season Greetings from Usher Raymond and Family (photos inside)


    Our favorite celebrities are still revealing holiday photos! R&B singer, Usher shared photos with fans on his Instagram page @howuseeit, showing how his family celebrated the holidays together. He displayed photos of his sons and niece opening gifts and enjoying the Christmas lights around the neighborhood. He also captured timeless photos with his grandmother opening one of her gifts as well. We even get to see him lighting the Christmas fire. Take a look at these pictures and enjoy!

    “I hope I don’t set the house on fire…they got me workin. I MAKE FIRE”

    Usher Holiday Pic 1

    Usher Holiday Pic 4

    Usher Holiday Pic 5
    “I live to see her smile…she got me. UNCLE spoils her. #STAR”

    Usher Holiday Pic 6

    Usher Holiday Pic 7

    Spending time with family is truly what the holidays are all about.

    Photo Credit: Mr. Usher Raymond

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