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Beautiful Textures Host Elle Varner, “Blood Sweat and Heels” Dinners In NYC (Pics Inside)

Geneva S. Thomas spills tea at Beautiful Textures Blood Sweat, and Heels Premiere Viewing and Dinner Party

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This past weekend Beautiful Textures sponsored two elite New York City events. Beautiful Textures carries a line of popular hair care products. Singer Elle Varner hosted her first Women’s Empowerment dinner filled with powerful women, good food, and of course conversation about good hair care. Ell Varner shared details about her own techniques and secrets in an interview with Talking Texture.

Also in NYC, journalist and “Blood Sweat and Heels” star Geneva Thomas hosted her private dinner party at a popular Chinese cuisine restaurant Philippe Chow. Her guests celebrated the premiere of the new Bravo television show and natural hair. Talking Texture was also in attendance to cover the story.

Photo Credit: Patrick Neree

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