In The Works! Q-Tip Is Developing A “Native Tongue” Era TV Series With Leonardo DiCaprio & Jonah Hill

    De La Soul


    Legendary Hip-Hop pioneer and Grammy award winner Q-Tip is partnering up with Wolf Of Wall Street co-stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Jonah Hill to create a new television series. The TV show will be produced through DiCaprio’s production company “Appian Way”. Q-Tip and DiCaprio have been close friends for some time so this collaboration comes as no surprise. The new series will be loosely based on Q-Tip’s experiences during the Native Tongue era. The Native Tongues were a collective of the late 1980’s and early 1990’s hip-hop artists known for their positive-minded, good-natured Afrocentric lyrics and for pioneering the use of sampling and jazz-influenced beats. A Tribe Called Quest was a part of this movement along with De La Soul and Black Sheep. The new TV show will feature the backstories of the artists and their friendships.

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