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Brooke Valentine Rumored to Join “Love and Hip Hop: L.A.” Cast

Kanesha Nichole Brookes will be joining the new cast of “Love & Hip Hop: L.A.” Name doesn’t ring a bell? You may remember her as Brooke Valentine and her popular song “Girlfight” ft. Big Boi and Lil John back in 2005. Seems like Brooke Valentine fell back from the scene and is making a comeback in the world of reality television. Not a huge surprise considering most celebrities use reality television as a platform to get back into the limelight.

Other cast members include radio DJ Yesi Ortiz, rapper Hazel-E, and video vixen Bria Myles. Producers are still searching for a  bigger star to headline the show.

It’ll be interesting to see her “Girlfight” personality and hopefully hear some new music!

Photo Credit: Brooke Valentine

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