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Pharrell Releases Tracklist For “G I R L” Featuring Daft Punk, Miley Cyrus and Justin Timberlake



Less than two weeks before the release of his second studio album “G I R L” Pharrell Williams shares the full track list of the album. According to the list, the forthcoming 11 track record will include collaborations with the likes of Daft Punk, Miley Cyrus, Alicia Keys and Justin Timberlake.“G I R L” is set to drop on March 3rd. The highly-anticipated new record “Happy” will also be on the new album and is currently sitting at No. 2 on Billboard 100. See the full tracklist below.

1. “Marilyn Monroe”
2. “Brand New” feat Justin Timberlake
3. “Hunter”|
4. “Gush”
5. “Happy”
6. “Come Get It” feat Miley Cyrus
7. “Dust Of Wind” feat Daft Punk
8. “Lost Queen”
9. “Freq”
10. “I Know Who You Are” feat Alicia Keys
11. “It Girl”


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