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Cam’Ron Unveils Dipset USA Clothing [Video]

camron-dipset-usaDipset!!! Dipset!!! Killa Cam’ron and The Diplomats are about to hit the fashion scene once again with the launch of Dipset USA clothing.  After unveiling a line of caps last month, Cam’ron has partnered with to sell vintage Dipset apparel.  The line includes Diplomat logos embroidered on hats, t-shirts, hoodies and other accessories.

In regards to the release of the vintage collection, Killa told Karma Loop, “Right now I feel like Dipset is fine wine that’s been sitting for a few years.”

Hopefully that means that we can get a new project from Cam, Jim Jones, Juelz Santana and   Freekey Zekey this year too.  It’s been long enough.

Peep the video as Killa discusses Dipset’s origins, his flare for style and the future of his crew.

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