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New Video Alert: Chris Brown feat. Lil Wayne & Tyga – “Loyal”

Despite his current forced vacation, Chris Brown continues to release new music as his label RCA just unveiled his new video “Loyal” featuring Lil Wayne and Tyga.  Jacking other guy’s broads like its nothing, YMCMB and Breezy let the world know “these hoes ain’t loyal.”  Not a surprise collaboration here as YMCMB were the first artists to stand up for Chris Brown and held him down after his initial fall from grace when he attacked former girlfriend Rihanna.

We probably won’t hear Drake on the remix however.  “Loyal” is expected to appear on Chris Brown’s new album X which is scheduled to drop later this year.  It’s a lot of cameos in this video too including Usher and Trey Songz.


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