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New Fashion Alert: Pharrell Covers GQ’s 2014 April Issue


For GQ’s April issue, Pharrell sits down with the magazine to talk about politics, race, his “famous” Vivienne Westwood hat, and losing at the Oscars. The “Happy” singer/producer,  who is one of the three covers for the magazine’s Style Bible issue talked about his most fashionable and talked about looks during his career.

“Anything different, people are going to look at and go, ‘Ha ha ha ha, what is that?’ Then, after a while, they do a little bit of research; they realize it’s Vivienne Westwood, an ode to her boyfriend at the time; they had a store together called World’s End. The guy who went on to sign the Sex Pistols, Malcolm McLaren,” Williams explained.

Also, Pharrell discussed his trucker hat phase he went through about 10 years ago:

“No. Uh-uh. I always did the same thing. I’ve dressed like I make my music. With the trucker hat, it was just a different time. And it was just N.E.R.D. time for me, you know? And that’s what we represented—like, the anti-media image. We represented the real: Black kids that skated.”

Check out the rest of the interview on

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