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The Wu-Tang Clan Plans To Sell Only One Copy Of Their Latest Album, For One Million Dollars

wu-tang-clan If you haven’t heard by now, the Wu-Tang Clan is adding even more creativity to what has already been a surprising calendar year in hip-hop. In the last year, Jay Z dropped a album with little to no promotion, his wife Beyonce dropped an album with no promotion, and indie artist Nipsey Hussle released 1,000 copies of a mixtape that would be sold for $100 each and reportedly sold them all. These are all innovating ideas that would have been frowned upon years ago. To top it all off, just yesterday the Wu-Tang Clan announced that they will be selling one copy of a secret album titled Once Upon A Time In Shaolin for one million dollars.

“We’re about to put out a piece of art like nobody else has done in the history of [modern] music,” RZA told Forbes. “We’re making a single-sale collector’s item. This is like somebody having the scepter of an Egyptian king,” 

The album is encased in an engraved silver and nickel box. This box will be taken on a tour through museums and galleries around the globe. Visitors can listen to the full 31-song album on headphones. This album will then go on sale for one million dollars. Okay, now let’s come back to reality for just a second. This album will more than likely not sell for a million dollars, but the idea behind it is truly genius and it is a great way to bring attention to the clan before the release of their collaborative reunion album A Better Tomorrow, which fans are hoping to drop this summer. As a fan of hip-hop, it is really great to see artists like the Wu-Tang Clan keep finding ways to keep Hip-Hop alive. Be on the lookout for the 20th anniversary album A Better Tomorrow by the Wu dropping this summer.

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