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50 Cent Says G-Unit Sneakers Outsold Jay Z’s Sneakers 6 to 1 & He Made $80 Million [Video]

When it comes to competition, 50 Cent is all in and that animal ambition is ever present.  Ina recent interview with REVOLT TV, he detailed how his G-Unit sneaker outsold Jay-Z’s “S. Carter” and that the RBK deals were a direct result of Reebok losing the biding war for Lebron James to Nike.

50 Cent stated,

 “In reality, the G-Unit shoe outsold the Shawn Carter shoe six to one. I made over 80 million dollars during the RBK time period.  If I’m lying. I’m flying. You know how they say men lie women lie numbers don’t.” 

Damn…$80-million  just from the shoes.  That doesn’t even include the Vitamin Water deal or the millions of records sold and independent movie projects he has produced.  50 probably look in the mirror every morning, smiling and saying:

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