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T.I. To Star In New Comedy Film “Get Hard” Alongside Kevin Hart

t.i. and kevin hart

T.I. has proven that he’s a box office draw after starring in several hit films including ATL, Identity Theft and Takers.  Now the ATL MC will appear in the upcoming film “Get Hard” alongside comedian and Hollywood  breakout star Kevin Hart as well as  Will Ferrell and Gary Owen.

“Get Hard” is currently filing and centers around a wealthy investment bank manager who is convicted of a crime he didn’t commit and prepares for prison with help from the guy who washes his car.  T.I. will play “Joaquin,” Hart’s streetwise cousin who helps Hart prep Ferrell’s millionaire fraudster for prison, according to

In related news, the fourth season of T.I. and Tiny’s:  The Family Hustle kicks off Monday, March 31st at 9/8c on VH1!


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