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Is Wyclef Jean Broke???

wyclef jean

Things don’t appear to be going well for former Fugees member Wyclef Jean as his former attorneys have hit the Haitian MC with a 6-figure lawsuit after he failed to make good on agreed-upon payments to reduce his debt.

According to New York State Supreme Court filings, Jean last year agreed to pay the law firm Shukat Arrow Hafer Weber & Herbsman $100,000 to settle an outstanding bill of $133,000.

As part of a confidential settlement agreement, Jean was required to pay the firm $10,000 by August 1, 2013, and $50,000 by year’s end. The agreement stipulated that if Jean made those two payments, the firm would waive the remaining $40,000 it was owed by the musician. However, the agreement notes, if Jean failed to make the payments, he would be on the hook for the entire $100,000, plus 10 percent annual interest.

Records indicate that nothing has been paid on the debt and his accountant David Levin sent an e-mail to the lawyers explaining why they haven’t been paid. The E-mail allegedly read,

“In my most professional verbiage… there ain’t no money.”

Wyclef Jean was also hit with a $2.1 million tax lien by the IRS in 2010 which allegedly hasn’t been paid either.

Hopefully there’s more to this but ready or not, a Fugees reunion seems to be inevitable as Pras is the only one who hasn’t had any financial troubles.

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