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Breaking News: Love and Hip Hop Star Raymond “Benzino” Scott Shot Exiting Highway

Benzino in stable condition with Dave Mays of Hip Hop Weekly
Benzino in stable condition with Dave Mays of Hip Hop Weekly

We have just learned that at approximately 11:55am, Love and Hip Hop star Raymond Scott professionally known as Benzino was shot by an assailant while traveling on Route 3 at the exit 11 ramp when the incident occurred. Sources stated that he was enroute to his mother’s funeral when someone known to him fired several shots hitting him once.

Crime scene photo of blood stained vehicle
Police draw weapons on male individual driving a Bentley

According to law enforcement sources, the highway was shut down for 4 hours for crime scene investigators to gather evidence and interview witnesses. HHE spoke exclusively with a member of the Plymouth District Attorney’s office who stated that the person responsible for the shooting will be charged with Intent to Murder and Aggravated Assault as early as Monday morning.

Sources confirm that Benzino injuries are not life-threatening.  Our prayers are with him and his family.

Story developing…

Shout out to Rahiem Shabazz breaking this exclusive story.

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