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2 Chainz Sizzurp Habit Leads To Felony Drug Possession Charge

2 chainz

Dufflebag Boy 2 Chainz can’t catch a break this month.  After being hit with a lawsuit this week after posting a “Is That Your #THOT (That Ho Over There)” video of a young women backstage coming to meet the rapper,  the ATL MC has now been charged with felony drug possession.

The incident dates back to 10 months ago  in California’s LAX airport when 2 Chainz was busted for possession of ingredients used to make sizzurp.  TMZ reports that Tauheed “2 Chainz” Epps was charged  with one charge of codeine possession,  the main ingredient in sizzurp.  Tity Boi could face up to 3 years if convicted and is scheduled to be arraigned next week.

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