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50 Cent Ordered To Pay $16-Million After Claims That He Stole Sleek Audio’s Headphone Design

50 cent sleek

It looks like 50 Cent took his animal ambition a little too far as Radar Online reports that the G-Unit general has to pay $16.1 million to his former headphone partner, Sleek.

50 and Sleek’s business relationship dissolved in 2011 after plans to market the headphones went left.  The headphone manufacturer claimed Curtis Jackson then stole their headphone’s high-tech design and launched a new company.

The case was previously taken to an arbitrator who agreed with Sleek and awarded the company  $11,693,247 in damages.  However 50 wasn’t happy with the decision and fought to have the verdict thrown out.  Well apparently the courts agreed with the arbitrator because a judge ruled this week that Fif  must pay the $11.7 million plus an additional $4,488,331 in attorney’s fees, all together totaling  $16,181,578.

We’ll keep you posted about what the talkative MC has to say about this.

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