[Exclusive Interview] Business Woman and Socialite Bianca Fairchild Reigns in Atlanta

    Bianca Fairchild, with HHE's Dennis Byron
    Bianca Fairchild
    Bianca Fairchild, with HHE’s Dennis Byron

    Interview by Dennis Byron

    President of The Fairchild Group and socialite, Bianca Fairchild, recently sat down with Hip Hop Enquirer for an exclusive interview.  The Harvard alumni is a great example of how paying it forward provides a benefit to all of those involved.  In a world where things are moving faster and faster and qualities such as kindness and compassion are dwindling, Bianca gives us a fresh breath of air with her efforts to give back.

    With beauty and brains Fairchild is a hot commodity.  While speaking with Hip Hop Enquirer’s Dennis Byron, Bianca was asked about her possible connections to the Los Angeles Clippers.  Although Bianca is not a true fan of the NBA, she stated that she enjoys the events and is good friends with the owners of the Clippers, the Sterling family.  While rumors have circulated that Bianca and Clippers’ star Blake Griffin may be seeing each other, Bianca seemed clueless to those allegations when asked about their relationship and put those rumors to bed.  “We actually don’t know each other,” stated Fairchild in regards to Griffin.  When asked if she could see herself dating a ball player Fairchild responded, “I don’t judge people based on their career”.


    Continuing on with the interview the savvy business woman did mention what qualities she looks for in a man and also gave HHE the worst pickup line she ever heard.  This part of the interview gets pretty amusing.

    Upon wrapping up the brief interview we asked Bianca about her foundation and what it is currently working on.  The Fairchild Gene Foundation is a non-profit organization that was founded in 2011. The foundation connects academically, artistically and athletically talented youth from socioeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds with accomplished and committed industry professionals who assist as mentors, navigators and stewards.  The foundation is currently working to give out school supplies to those in need.  This effort started as a back to school program and has since expanded through the entire year.

    True leaders lead by example, so follow the leader and be sure to check out the interview with this amazing young lady.

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