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Breaking News: Love & Hip Hop L.A. Spin-Off [Full Cast Listed]

Vh1’s Love & Hip Hop franchise has grown to entertain the masses and has inadvertently become this generation’s first black soap opera series. With all of the show’s drama, struggles, and adult situations, the Love & Hip Hop series gives viewers the closest look at a “real” reality television show.


It was just announced, via, that VH-1 and producer Mona Scott-Young have started filming their new spin-off “Love & Hip-Hop LA” on March 31st. The official cast is listed as Ray-J, Omarion, Yung Berg, Teairra Marí (Ray-J’s ex girlfriend), Princess Love (Ray-J’s current girlfriend), Yesi Ortiz (Power 106 DJ), Morgan Hardman (Ray-J’s assistant), Miss Joie (Bow Wow’s baby mother), and Apryl Jones (Omarion’s baby mother). All have now signed a contract to film.

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