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Nicki Minaj Teases Fans With Immediately Releasing Her New Album


Yesterday evening YMCMB artist Nicki Minaj teased her fans with dropping her new album out of nowhere on Twitter.  The highly anticipated album entitled The Pinkprint will be Nicki’s third album.

Nicki Minaj is back to let the naysayers know that the crown is still hers. The only question is “When is Nicki actually dropping The Pinkprint?”  With Ms. Black Barbie making her return to the rap scene with bangers like “Lookin’ A** N****, “My N**** Remix”, “Danny Glover Remix”, and “Boss Ass B*tch” fans have been patiently waiting for the new project by Minaj.

Was that move last night just Nicki being bored or was it part of her strategic marketing plan?  Who knows, maybe she was actually thinking about dropping the album.

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