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Chris Brown Bodyguard Convicted Of Assault

chris brown body guard

Reporting by: Dennis Byron

Chris Brown’s bodyguard was found guilty of misdemeanor assault of a man on a Washington sidewalk, just before the singer’s own trial which was initially scheduled to start on Monday however the trail has been delayed until Wednesday because of a an issue with a government witness who was scheduled to give testimony against singer Chris Brown.

D.C. Superior Judge Patricia Wynn said Christopher Hollosy was not justified in hitting Parker Adams since there was no evidence he was advancing on the singer as he took photos with a fan.

HHE’s Dennis Byron is reporting live from inside the Washington, DC Superior courthouse and stated that Wynn, who will NOT decide Brown’s case, said she believed the testimony of a limousine driver who said Brown hit Adams before Hollosy attacked.

Although Brown faces just a misdemeanor charge, the singer has a lot riding on Monday’s assault trial in Washington.

He could receive probation in the District of Columbia if found guilty, but a Los Angeles judge is waiting on the verdict before deciding whether Brown, 24, will remain jailed in California.

An acquittal would give Brown’s lawyer a chance to argue that he should be allowed to make his own way back to California for a probation hearing. Otherwise, he’ll have to go back the way he came to Washington: on “Con Air,” the federal inmate transport system.

Chris Hollosy exits the courthouse after leaning his verdict

The singer’s trial was set to start immediately after Wynn announced her verdict in last week’s trial of Brown’s bodyguard Hollosy.

Hollosy’s case was tried first so that he could freely testify in his boss’ defense about the sidewalk fight that landed them both in jail in October. He’s expected to say that he landed the punch that broke Adams’ nose and that he did it because it was his job to protect Brown.

Hollosy’s lawyer, Bernard Grimm, argued in the bodyguard’s trial that Adams, 20, was “simply trying to get rich” by accusing Brown and Hollosy of assaulting him.

Howard University student Jalen Garrison testified in the Hollosy trial that she and a friend were posing for photos on the sidewalk with Brown when Adams, who is her boyfriend, tried to snap his own photo with Brown.

Brown got upset, telling Adams, “I don’t like that gay s***,” Garrison testified. Brown lunged at Adams, hitting him the face, she testified.

A limousine driver testified that he saw Brown and Hollosy hit Adams. The bodyguard pulled Brown away before throwing his own punch, he said. Adams did not hit back, he said.

When asked to rate the power of Brown’s punch on a scale of one to 10, Adams scored it a six. Hollosy, he testified, packed a 10.

Adams, who said he earns about $200 a day working at a restaurant, acknowledged that he’s suing Brown, potentially seeking millions of dollars for the assault. The lawsuit was filed “because family knew a lawyer in church and that justice should be served,” he testified.

Brown’s mother and aunts, who live in Virginia, along with his girlfriend, Karrueche Tran, and rapper Bow Wow were in court Friday expecting Brown’s trial to start. Wynn delayed it, however, saying she needed more time than expected to decide Hollosy’s case.

After the verdict was read, judge Wynn scheduled sentencing for Hollosy to begin on June 25th 2014. She cautioned that his failure to appear would result in a felony arrest and he would face 5 years in prison.

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