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T.I. And Game In Standoff With LAPD After L.A. Nightclub Brawl

Early Wednesday morning things got pretty intense for rappers T.I. and Game during a standoff with LAPD after a scuffle at an L.A. nightclub.


According to TMZ, mutual acquaintances of both T.I. and Game were refused entry to Supperclub in Los Angeles. The acquaintances began arguing with security and all hell broke loose.  Club security handled the situation by beating 2 of the guys to a bloody mess. 


This is when T.I. and Game left the club to see what all the fuss was about.  Not knowing the full story, T.I. and Game mistakenly believed that the LAPD beat up their friends and the intense standoff begins.  

Check out the video above and watch as tempers flare and the tension rises.  Then check out the video below and see how it all started.

The security definitely went too far and that was before the multiple kicks to the face as the victim layed pinned to the ground.  However, amongst all the things that went awry during this irrational occurrence we would hope that T.I. especially would have some sense and calm both sides before reacting.  This situation definitely could have ended worse.  

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