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They’re Gangsta? Mike Epps Calls Out Kevin Hart, Kevin Hart Swings Back

kevin hart

In the immortal words of The Notorious B.I.G. “What’s Beef?”.  I think that question turned rhetorical as beef entered the world of comedy yesterday. Let me explain. Early Friday morning Mike Epps called into Dede in the Morning and said that Kevin Hart was an overrated comedian. Check out the audio below.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500″ width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Later in the day Kevin Hart took some time out of his day and responded to Mike Epps criticism via his Instagram account.  Check out the video at the top. 

Soon after Kevin Hart’s counter, Mike Epps then felt the need to make the beef official with his own social media jab.

Even later in the day, Kevin Hart reposted Mike Epps tweet with a message of his own.

Hopefully they keep the beef on audio/video and not in the streets.  One could only imagine how that would play out.  Lol.  Maybe they should take it to the streets, because I love entertainment.  However it plays out, it should be hilarious along the way.  In the meanwhile let us know if you’re Team Epps or Team Hart.  
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