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T.I. Checks Apollo Nida About Comparing His Gun Case to His Fraud Case…”There’s A Difference Partna”


As previously reported, Real Housewives of AtlantastarApollo Nida will be “co-operating” with the federal government.  In that Hip Hip Enquirer article the lesson of that story was to not talk to Apollo Nida.  Unfortunately, it looks likes rapper T.I. didn’t take my advice, but it seems like for good reason. 

According to TMZ, Nida responded to the breaking news of his case with a tweet claiming T.I. and Michael Vick signed similar “snitching” deals in their cases.  In the game of chess we call this a “check”. 

T.I. and friend Killer Mike caught up with Nida and confronted him in a parking lot.  As you can see in the video, T.I. makes it clear that their cases are entirely different and that Nida better start keeping his name out of his mouth.  In the game of chess, we call that a “checkmate”. 

T.I.: “Yeah, you need to clarifly that…………on the professionimism tip. I ain’t no government interragationist. I ain’t never sign no deal like that. Yeah rectifly that sh*t.”

Things are already looking bad for Nida, now he has to keep names out of his mouth, which is always an obstacle for a snitch.

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