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Ray J To Gift Sex Tape Proceeds To Kanye and Kim For Their Wedding

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In 2008 Ray J produced one of the year’s biggest flicks.  This film was not shown in theaters or even given a big budget for promotion, but its impact can still be seen.  Years later this flick is still a big seller and profits are still being made.  The film I am speaking of is Vivid Entertainment’s Ray J and Kim Kardashian sex tape.  Six years after the film was released it still raked in over $46,000 this year.  

Ray J’s co-star in the sex tape, Kim Kardashian, is all set to walk down the aisle with her soon to be husband Kanye West this week and Ray J has the perfect wedding gift for them.  Ray J plans on gifting the couple a check for $47,000.  Hmmmm…the same amount he has accumulated this year from his sex tape with Kim Kardashian.  Not sure how that will go over in the West household, but I guess Ray J is just sending a friendly reminder to Kanye that his “trophy” was once on Ray J’s mantle.  Remember folks, Ray J hit it first.  

According to TMZ, the sex tape has grossed over 50 million dollars in total profits.  

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