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The Game Hosts Breese Youth Film Festival At FOX Studios

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Game hosted Bresee Youth Film Festival at Fox Studios on Saturday, May 17th

Over the weekend, rapper/reality star Game hosted the Bresee Youth Film Festival at FOX Studios in Los Angeles.  The Film Festival asked high school aged youth to make a 3-minute video about their ideas for solving the gang issue in Los Angeles.  The selected winners won one of four camcorder awards or the Apple Laptop grand prize.  Participants also had a shot at having their film screened at a major Hollywood studio in front of studio executives, city officials, experts in the field, academics and family.  

Game poses with award winners during the 9th Annual Youth Film Festival on Social Justice at FOX Studios on Saturday in Los Angeles.

The event was also attended by actress Crystle Stewart (Tyler Perry’s “For Better or Worse”), Lobo Sebastian (“The Longest Yard”), Jeananne Goossen & Robert Bailey (NBC’s new medical drama “The Night Shift”) and Casey Moss (“Days of Our Lives”).  Film Festival judges included Wilmer Valderrama (“From Dusk Till Dawn”), Hill Harper (“CSI: NY”), Bill Ahmanson & Congresswoman Janice Hahn.  

Sponsors for the event included Fox Entertainment Group, HBO, Gang Reduction & Youth Development (GRYD) and Game’s Foundation, The Robin Hood Project. 


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