Does Justin Bieber Deserve To Be “Donald Sterling” For Using The “N” Word?


    Justin Bieber

    In some throwback footage of Justin Bieber he is seen with some friends sitting around joking.  At the time of this video Justin was 15, but we will take his age into account later.  As I was saying, the Biebs and friends were sitting around joking, which is a typical thing for teens, but what was not typical was the racist jokes that Bieber fired off as you can see his level of coolness shoot through the roof.  Check out the ridiculous video below.

    It looks like somebody needs to join the new “Donald Sterling” workshop, a workshop on the No’s and Nots of blatant racism behind closed doors. It’s not even the fact that Bieber even told the joke, which sounds as if it  were handed down from the previous generation, it’s the fact that he was comfortable saying “N*gger”.  Some people are going to immediately dismiss this entire issue, because of Bieber’s age in the video, but at what age should you know better?  

    First Paula Dean, then Donald Sterling, and now Justin Bieber.  Bieber joins a long list of behind closed doors racists.  This comes as a total shock. We’ll see what happens from here, but we are not expecting anything.

    Today, a day after the video surfaced and made headlines, Bieber is attempting to save both face and his career with an apology statement.

    “As a young man, I didn’t understand the power of certain words and how they can hurt. I thought it was OK to repeat hurtful words and jokes, but didn’t realize at the time that it wasn’t funny and that in fact my actions were continuing the ignorance,” said Bieber, currently 20-years old.

    Bieber went on to say, “I take my friendships with people of all cultures very seriously and I apologize for offending or hurting anyone with my childish and inexcusable mistake. I was a kid then and I am a man now who knows my responsibility to the world and to not make that mistake again.”

    Bieber added, “Ignorance has no place in our society and I hope the sharing of my faults can prevent others from making the same mistake in the future. I thought long and hard about what I wanted to say but telling the truth is always what’s right.”

    Folks, keep an eye on this whole Justin Bieber racism matter, because more than likely it will be swept under the rug and become yesterday’s news, even though the remarks made by Bieber were clearly racist.  

    Stay tuned to Hip Hop Enquirer for more of todays top news in music. “Your One Stop For Everything Hip Hop.”

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