New Video & Photo Surfaces Proving Justin Bieber Might Just Be A Hidden Racist

    Screen Shot 2014-06-05 at 10.42.56 AM
    Justin was busted just six months ago spray painting a “black hip hop monkey” on the wall in Brazil.

    What is done in the dark always comes to light.  This is what pop heartthrob Justin Bieber is learning the hard way.  Days ago Hip Hop Enquirer shared a video acquired by TMZ of a young Justin Bieber making racist jokes.  During the video Bieber repeatedly says “n*gger” as he jokingly ask, “Why black people are afraid of chainsaws”.

    In the previous HHE article I also stated that nothing would come from Bieber’s action and it would be swept under the rug, especially because he was only 15-years-old in the video.  Again, I feel that at 15 yrs old, you should know the difference between right and wrong, but as expected people came to Justin’s side to defend him; Floyd Mayweather included.

    Just when Bieber thought he could ride it out until the smoke cleared, another video has surfaced.  This video shows Bieber remixing his 2009 song “One Less Lonely Girl” by changing the words to use “n*gger” instead.  What people have to realize about this particular video is that Bieber was discovered before this video and already an international star.  His supporters should think twice.  Matter fact; think three times, because this is absolutely wrong.  Instead of Bieber fessing up and coming forward like a man, it is rumored that he ran to Mexico to hide out for a while. And to all his supporters, would you really be standing shoulder to shoulder for him if he were a regular “Joe Schmo”? #IndustryGroupies

    Check out the disturbing new video below as Bieber, with a smile, shares with us his racist remix of “One Less Lonely Girl”.


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